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The ‘Pimple Pete’ Board Game Turns Your Kids Into Dr. Pimple Popper

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Because just in case your kiddos weren’t grossing you our already, now they can pop some zits just like the real Dr. Pimple Popper with the new Pimple Pete board game.  Sure!

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By now pretty much anyone with a Facebook page knows of Dr. Sandra Lee better known as “Dr. Pimple Popper.”  She’s had millions upon millions of views of her popping some of the grossest zits, blackheads, whiteheads, and the like.  And, well, we could never really look away.  We know we’re not the only ones!  Well, Dr. Pimple Popper has teamed up with the game experts over at Spinmaster to create one of the grossest, most anticipated, and rumored to likely be one of the hottest games of the 2018 Christmas season.  Introducing “Pimple Pete.”

Where to Buy Pimple Pete by Spinmaster - Dr. Pimple Popper Board Game 2018 - 2024

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If you thought Pie Face got messy (but not messy enough) and Operation was a bore, Pimple Pete is the perfect game for you and your kids.  Here’s how it works.

  • Each player will take turns spinning the game spinner to see where the arrow lands.
  • The spinner can either land on Pete’s forehead, chin, left cheek or right cheek.
  • The player then has to try and pop the zit based on where the spinner landed (points vary based on level and area of difficulty).
  • If you squeeze too hard you can get soaked with water that comes out of the ginormous pimple on Pete’s nose (you obviously fill it with water first).

Pimple Pete will be released to the public at the following stores and sites on the following days:

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